Grace Baumgartner
Undergraduate Student
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA

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Grace is currently studying the properties and applications of 1-dimensional lepidocrocite (1DL) nanomaterials, and especially the reaction mechanism for the 1DL-catalyzed degradation of organics.

If you think this project sounds interesting and would like to work on a similar MQP, then contact Prof. Grimm to join now!

What brought you to WPI?

I came to WPI from Seattle, WA. WPI was appealing to me because of its small size and project-based learning model. These aspects have allowed me to form meaningful relationships with my classmates and professors, and to get hands-on experience with the work I hope to do post-graduation.

What are your research interests?

I am interested in physical and inorganic chemistry as well as the intersection between chemistry, mathematics, and computation. At WPI, I am pursuing a double major in chemistry and mathematics, which will give me an excellent background to work in this area.

What will you be doing immediately following your time at WPI?

I hope to begin my career in the chemical industry after graduation.

What are your long term professional goals?

I will pursue a career that lets me work on interesting chemical problems with relevance to the modern world; I also hope to find a space where I can apply my mathematical skills in data analysis and computational modeling.